Air Sampling
Air Sampling
Air Sampling

Air Sampling Detection

Providing the earliest warning with air sampling detection systems.

American Fire Technologies specializes in aspirating smoke detection. Aspirating smoke detection systems are capable of reacting to true incipient fire situations and providing the earliest possible warning. Applications include critical operations areas such as Data centers, control rooms and power centers where loss of equipment is detrimental to business operation. A quicker response means less damage and a quicker return to business.

Contact us to discuss your air sampling detection needs. Call Paul Hayes at 1-800-919-1288 ex 215.

Manufacturer Information

Click on the links below to learn more.

Solution Partners

Click the logos below to learn more about our solution partners.

Notifier - by Honeywell
Safe Fire Detection
Xtralis Vesda
“I would like to take a moment to personally thank you and your team for all of your efforts to achieve the nearly impossible deadlines that have been laid before us on this project. You and your team as well as everyone copied in this email have gone above and beyond to make the impossible, possible.”